Go where the wind blows

These few days, I am dialing down the amp of daily stuff, all the busy and responsible stuff, and just unwind. I need a little break from it all to recharge and rewire. That is not all going to happen in just a few days unfortunately, I’m going through a tough patch, but it is a step in the process.


My micro-retreat idea is very very modest. Normally I would prefer to take a backpack, tent and camera, but it’s a miserable wet winter here. Instead I booked a small holiday cabin near the beach. It’s not far from home, but ‘distance’ these days is created virtually so I got that sorted by being offline most of the time.

After a good dose of resting and listening to music it was time for photography. There are not many things that calm the mind and wake my senses better. That’s what I did this afternoon and see here the photo’s.


Most are jpeg’s out of the camera, some are RAW files edited in Lightroom on my iPad. With IpadOS I now have this great mobile workflow where I stick in the memory card in the reader for the iPad, upload them in Lightroom and edit the (RAW) files. It also means that they are backed up and I can share them anywhere, like this blog (also written on the iPad). I’m really happy with this mobile setup and will never bring a laptop again for any trip!

This unique “Dutch” light makes me think about the Panorama Mestdag painting from the 19th century

This unique “Dutch” light makes me think about the Panorama Mestdag painting from the 19th century

I suprised myself by taking my smaller Fuji X-E3 body with me while leaving the X-T3 in the cabin. When I go on a stroll like this this smaller camera just let’s me make more photo’s because it is so pleasant to use.


That’s it for today. I will continue listening to beautiful jazz from the Marcin Wasilewski Trio and sip from my tea for a while into the evening. Next time I want to stay in a more primitive hut making my own fire etc like in the mountains. Let’s me explore where I can find one in the Benelux... Going for the Walden experience.
